Visual Studio 2022 を使って下の画像のように Blazor Web App をテンプレートに選んで作成した Blazor アプリは、予想に反して WebAssembly モードでも Server-Side Rendering (SSR) になることがありました。以下にそのことを書きます。

作成時に [Interactive render mode] を [WebAssembly] に設定しても、[Interactive location] に [Per page/component] を選んだ場合(多くの人はこちらを選ぶのではなかろうかと思います)、
![[WebAssembly], [Per page/component] に設定 [WebAssembly], [Per page/component] に設定](/BlogEngine/image.axd?picture=2024%2f11%2f1117BlazorTemplate2.jpg)
アプリを起動して [Home], [Counter], [Weather] ボタンをクリックして画面を切り替えると、

下の Fiddler によるキャプチャ画像の通り、

毎回サーバーに要求を出し、完全な html ソースをサーバーから応答として受け取り、それをブラウザに表示するという SSR になります。WebAssembly だからサーバーとのやり取りはしない、即ち CSR になることを期待していましたがそうはなりません。
Microsoft のドキュメント ASP.NET Core Blazor render modes(日本語版もありますが翻訳がアレなので英語版がお勧め)の Render modes のセクションに説明があります。
そこにはコンポーネントで @rendermode を InteractiveWebAssembly に設定すると Client-side rendering (CSR) using Blazor WebAssembly となって Render location が Client になると書いてあります。
なので、試しに Home, Counter, Weather 全てのコンポーネントで @rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly を設定してみました。しかし、相変わらずサーバとのやり取りを行う SSR になります。
プロジェクトを作成する際に [Interactive location] を [Global] に設定すればサーバーとのやり取りはなくなり CSR になります。コンポーネントに @rendermode InteractiveWebAssembly を設定する必要はないようで、自動生成される各コンポーネントには @rendermode の設定は含まれていません。
知ってました? 自分は知らなかったです。 [Interactive render mode] を [WebAssembly] に設定するだけで無条件で CSR になると思ってました。WebAssembly のメリットは CSR のはずなので、勝手に知らないうちに SSR になっては困ると思うのですが・・・
ちなみに、テンプレートに Blazor WebAssembly を使って作成した Blazor アプリの場合は [Home], [Counter], [Weather] ボタンをクリックして画面を切り替えてもサーバーとの通信は発生せず CSR になります。
そのあたりのことを書いた Microsoft のドキュメントは見つからなかったので Copilot に聞いてみました。回答を載せておきます。(ホントかどうかの裏は取ってませんのでご参考まで)
(1) Blazor Web App と Blazor WebAssembly の違いに関して
The difference you're seeing between the two cases is indeed a bit subtle but has to do with how the Blazor Web App and Blazor WebAssembly templates are configured and what each is optimized for.
Blazor Web App
Interactive Render Mode: When you set the interactive render mode to WebAssembly but also have it set to Per page/component, Blazor is likely configured to request the server to render the pages/components interactively. This is why you're seeing GET requests being made to the server.
Behavior: Even though WebAssembly is being used, each time you navigate, a new GET request is made to the server. This means the server is still involved in delivering the HTML content, and the WebAssembly part is handling the interactive functionalities of the individual components on the page. This can be useful if you want the server to control the navigation and then WebAssembly to handle the client-side interactivity.
Blazor WebAssembly
Pure Client-Side Rendering: This template is optimized for a purely client-side experience. Once the initial application is loaded, all subsequent navigation and component rendering are handled entirely by the client without additional requests to the server.
Behavior: This makes it behave like a traditional Single Page Application (SPA) where the entire application, including navigation between pages, is handled within the client browser using WebAssembly. This is why you're not seeing additional requests to the server when navigating between Home, Counter, and Weather.
To summarize, the main difference is in how much the server is involved in rendering pages. In the Blazor Web App with interactive mode set to WebAssembly and per page/component, the server still plays a role in serving up pages, whereas, in Blazor WebAssembly, once the application is loaded, the server is not involved in further page rendering. This setup can affect performance and user experience depending on your application's needs.
(2) [Interactive location] を [Global] に設定すると何が変わるか
You're right, changing the Interactive location to Global in a Blazor Web App with the WebAssembly interactive render mode would make it behave similarly to the pure Blazor WebAssembly app, where no additional server requests are made during navigation. This setup alters the application's structure in a way that makes the WebAssembly component responsible for rendering more globally, not just per page/component.
Configuration Differences
Project Structure:
Global Interactive Location: This mode places components like Home.razor and Weather.razor under the .Client project, indicating that the client-side WebAssembly is handling the rendering globally for all these components.
Per Page/Component Interactive Location: In this mode, each page or component might still be interacting with the server for rendering purposes, leading to the behavior you observed with additional server requests.
Component Loading:
Global Interactive Location: The client-side WebAssembly loads the components globally, so once the application is loaded, navigation between different pages like Home, Counter, and Weather is handled entirely on the client side.
Per Page/Component Interactive Location: Each navigation may involve a server request because the rendering is done on a per-component basis, making the server more involved in the process.
Potential Reasons for Similar Program.cs
Shared Configuration: The Program.cs file might not differ significantly because the core configuration and service registrations for Blazor WebAssembly applications are quite similar. The main difference lies in how the application components are managed and rendered within the project structure and specific component files.
By setting the interactive location to Global, you've essentially optimized the application to function more like a typical SPA where the client-side WebAssembly handles most of the rendering and navigation logic, reducing the need for server interaction during page changes. This change primarily affects how components are structured and rendered rather than altering the fundamental configuration in Program.cs.